FGC maiduguri

FGC Maiduguri “the castle of the great”
How can i forget
The early morning raising bell
The chill of cold water down my skin
The long cane chasing me to the dining hall

How can i forget
The ever watery tea and paltry loaf of bread
The urgency of Tuesdays and Thursdays egg
The neatness for Saturday pap and akara
The frown when break fast was at 10 am

How can i forget
The oil stain on our white tops
The littered pieces of food that showed we had enough
Though hunger chewed at our cords
The running around to keep the morning laws

How can i forget
Mondays assembly and the neatness for it
The ever unending roll calls
The punishing of the faulty
The urge to be the best

How can i forget
The golden sweet voice of E J Kadala
The speech by the press
The head prefect warnings
The show of academic excellence

How can i forget
The rush to the canteen during breaks
The quick cup of cereals before lunch
The hush whispers at lunch tables
The delight in every scooped spoon

How will i not
Celebrate when she is honoured
Lament when she is troubled
Stand up for her when she is dispersed
Walk with pride as her product

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